• Cris Bolívar collaborates in the project awarded at the IV Congreso Internacional de Coaching Ejecutivo.It is an honor to report that was awarded in February 15 the project on new concepts and methodologies for the development of individuals, teams and organizations, led by Elena Pérez-Moreiras and in which Cris Bolívar collaborates with other great coaches. (See more information).



  • Contemporary History of Catalonia.Cris Bolívar interviewed on « Characters of Catalunya«, foreword by Jordi Pujol. September 2001.


  • Accredited by the International Enneagram Association (IEA, USA) as a Enneagram Professor.


  • Cris Bolívar has had the honor of being considered «Master of Life» and join the select group of teachers from Catalonia to the accompanying live fully. In www.mestresdevida.cat selected solid and reliable teachers offering lessons for anyone who wants to live a full and happy life. As they say, not everyone who is professionally involved may be included in the Life Masters space, it is necessary that the teachings transmitted fulfill certain criteria


  • Cris Bolívar is the first Spanish Master Certified Coach, 2004 (MCC, only 6% of coaches in the world were MCCs in 2013) by the ICF in the United States. She is likewise the former Vice President of ICF Spain (International Coach Federation). Nowadays it has about 8,000 hours of coaching (2015).


  • Mentor-Coach Registered by International Coach Federation, ICF, USA. As a Mentor-Coach MCC she can mentorising and supervising mentorizar certified coaches ACC, PCC and MCC.


ESSENTIAL COACHING develops human potential at the deepest level, addressing its essence, its uniqueness, breaking the boundaries of the ego to re-create people using wisdom generated through the expansion of consciousness to get meta-results.


  • Invited to join the International Chamber of Speakers (Cámara Internacional de Conferencistas – CIC-) as an Honorary Member. 2017.

Captura de pantalla 2015-06-24 a las 21.10.09

Profesor 2017 Cris Bolivarlogo mestres vida verticalMCC-logo_big

 Mentor coach icf 2017


red alumni cb itamar miembro acreditado camara internac conferenc


Essential Coaching by Cris Bolívar has been listed among the top contributions of coaching psychology throughout the twentieth century, together with references to Freud, Wilber, Rogers, Seligman, Goleman, etc. in the FOCAD (Spanish General Council of Psychology) Psychology course.


Access to full document available only to enrolled students: http://www.cop.es/index.php?page=focad

[frame src=»https://www.essentialinstitute.org/essentialweb/essential/wp-content/themes/essential-institute-child/images/Contribuciones%20de%20la%20psicologia%20al%20coaching-COPM%20con%20RESALTADO.png» width=»450″ height=»auto» lightbox=»on» title=»Contribuciones de la psicología al coaching» align=»right» ]


[frame src=»https://www.essentialinstitute.org/essentialweb/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/bases-coaching-esencial.png» width=»300″ height=»auto» lightbox=»on» title=»Bases del Coaching Esencial» align=»right» ]Essential Coaching also has been recognised by Vikki Brock, who has noted that it ranks as a leading, pioneering and special coaching method, due to its in-depth approach and its reliance on the five great sources of coaching: Psychology, Philosophy, Spirituality, Art and Business. ICF Spain Coaching Influencers

Vikki Brock recognised also Cris Bolívar as one of the Spanish coaching  influencers.

«Vikki Brock, MCC since 1998 by the ICF, is the author of Sourcebook of Coaching History. The book is the largest study ever conducted on the origins and evolution of coaching, a comprehensive review of the historical roots of coaching and the influence of its pioneers.” (International Coach Federation, ICF)


More information.





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