There are many areas of social intervention (NGOs, associations, etc.) that focus their efforts on social transformation (conferences, social projects, etc.)
At Essential Institute we support these entities and projects to facilitate the transition to higher levels of consciousness and wisdom and build a healthier and wiser society.
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[toggle_box] [toggle_item title=»Educational theatre play against bullying» active=»»]On October 30, 2006, “Postdata” opened in Madrid, an educational play against bullying. At the opening ceremony of this work, Cris Bolívar (Essential Institute) represented the University of Barcelona through the Research and Counseling Group (GROP) with whom she collaborates. The Autor Foundation initiative has also been supported by the Spanish Society of Authors and Editors (SGAE), which has created a specific teaching guide for the representation of “Postdata” in schools. Eduardo Bautista, president of the SGAE, also spoke at the opening event. ;
Eight years later, a book on the subject has been published titled “Prevención del acoso escolar con educación emocional” (“Preventing bullying with emotional education”).
The Postdata play, about twenty minutes long, is presented in class as a strategy to prevent bullying and violence in general. This play is accompanied by a tutorial, which can provide guidance for other similar activities. Further reflections, strategies, techniques, activities and proposals for prevention are also given.
Bibliographic reference of the book:
Bisquerra, R. (Coord.), Colau, C., Colau, P., Collell, J., Escudé, C., Pérez-Escoda, N., Avilés, J. M., and Ortega, R. (2014). Prevención del acoso escolar con educación emocional (Preventing bullying with emotional education) Bilbao: Desclée de Brower.
[toggle_item title=»Essential Institute on behalf of the Social Market»]
Essential Institute is part of the Community Exchange System (CES), a form of social exchange through the Cooperativa Integral Catalana and its Ecoxarxa de Barcelona, which involves giving and receiving products and services through the Eco Social Currency.
[toggle_item title=»BARCELONA CITY COUNCEIL – Barcelona Activa – Porta22″]
Cooperation in various fields (coaching, training, lectures) to generate social impact. Participation in JOBarcelona’15 to generate employability in university students.
[toggle_item title=»Volunteering in Essential Coaching» ]
Free Essential Coaching for groups without financial resources.
[toggle_item title=»Emotional Education in KALIPAY, Philippines»]
Cooperation Kalipay, Negros, Philippines, 2012. Essential Institute conducted training in emotional competences and Essential Coaching for a team that works rescuing and taking care of abused and neglected children and with the Kalipay management team, in cooperation with Universidad de Barcelona.
See presentation videos.
Ver videos streaming del concierto benéfico de ópera por Montserrat Martí Caballé, febrero’17: I ; II ; III
[/toggle_item] [toggle_item title=»LA AKADEMIA: Essential Coaching, Meditation, Yoga and Enneagram for adolescents»] Free collaboration with the Emotional Education and Self-Knowledge Programme for adolescents, featuring the intervention of essential coaches who supported participants throughout the programme with various Essential Coaching sessions, Cris Bolívar teaching enneagram and Ricard Rotllan meditation and yoga. [column col=»1/4″] [/column] [/toggle_item] [toggle_item title=»Social entrepreneurship» ] Collaboration with organisations that promote social entrepreneurship and self-leadership.– We collaborate in the project «The future emerges (collaborative leadership in the 21st century)», a project led by Mikel Bilbao, where, as he explains, «different people collaborate, all of them a referring in their field, all with a different vision of the world , with the vision of the new world, that world that emerges with our collaboration: Joan Melé (money with conscience), Miriam Subirana (appreciative inquiry), Cris Bolívar (essentiality) … among other outstanding personalities. Which is reflected in dis-ruptive innovation processes in different areas and environments, fundamentally 3: corporate, how we generate money and how we share it, political / judicial, how we talk and relate; social, how we develop a better world. Make a society more fraternal, more egalitarian, more free. »
[/toggle_item] [toggle_item title=»Dictionary of Key Skills Competencies for the Department of Ensenyament of the GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA within the European Framework and of Higher University Education»] Essential Institute developed in 2004 a dictionary of competences that for the first time considered the emotional ones and that still today (2017) is considered a benchmark at national and European level for the elaboration of training programs and professional accreditations, thus contributing to a higher personal and professional quality of society. [/toggle_item] [/toggle_box]